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Bosigran sea cliff multi-pitch rock climbing

Great multi‑pitch rock climbs is dedicated to cataloguing the best traditionally protected multi-pitch rock climbs that are at least 50m high. The initial focus of the site is on climbs graded from Difficult to Hard Very Severe & E1.

Find your perfect multi-pitch rock climb

We are activly expnding and our selection of traditional multi-pitch rock climbs. The site is built on a less but better Philosophy.

These are the latest climbs we have cataloged and outlined in detail. There are 2 main methods for finding your perfect multi-pitch rock climb, you can either browse the map view to find nearby crags or you can use the list view below with detailed filtering capabilities.

All climbs are graded using their original grading system. For ease of filltering they have been mapped to a single system. You can convert climbing grades to a different system. This is however, by its nature, very subjective. Different climbing grade systems use very different criteria, which cannot be translated accurately, so don't rely on the converted grade.

Filter & Sort Climbs

Grade (British Adjectival System) change
Height (metres)
Approach (mins)

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